

Protecting the environment, KIWAY is with you!

Release time: 2019-04-22

Diesel generator is an important power source of rail welding machine, when working in the tunnel, the air circulation is poor, the smoke and harmful exhaust gas emitted during the working process of the  diesel generator can not be discharged in time, which seriously pollutes the environment and causes great harm to the personal health of operators.


According to the preliminary collation and reference of the list of carcinogens published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization on October 27, 2017, welding fume is in the list of carcinogens of the first category.

Therefore, it is necessary to purify the smoke particles in the tail gas emissions of the unit to meet the emission requirements of smoke particles (black smoke).


In order to promote the development of environment-friendly society and reduce the emission of welding smoke in rail welding, KIWAY Machinery has installed a welding smoke purifier on the rail welding machine body, which will be equipped with a mobile FBW (K922) machine to be delivered to China Railway Shanghai Engineering Bureau.

After installation of welding fume purifier, diesel exhaust is burned and filtered twice by purification equipment, which can reduce PM2.5 particulate matter, black smoke and incomplete combustion exhaust gas in the operation environment of the equipment, thus improving the rail construction environment and ensuring the physical and mental health of constructors.


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